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NPS for Startdeliver

NPS, Responsr

Lucas Flobecker avatar
Written by Lucas Flobecker
Updated over a year ago

In the competitive landscape of SaaS, gathering and analyzing customer feedback is paramount. One effective way to measure customer satisfaction is by utilizing Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. Responsr is a powerful NPS app that can seamlessly integrate with your SaaS platform. In this guide, we'll walk you through the five simple steps to successfully integrate Responsr and harness its full potential for enhancing your customer experience.

There is two ways to integrate to Startdeliver. The most obvious one is there is an app for Startdeliver, which you can find in Responsr.

The Startdeliver-App
The Startdeliver-app will fetch all stakeholders from Startdeliver and add them to the Startdeliver app for you to automatically collect actionable feedback. When setting up the app you will be asked for the Startdeliver API-key. (How to set up an app)

The Startdeliver App updates your list of customers within 5 minutes and will then update the list daily to keep it up to date.

Send NPS-responses to Startdeliver API

To send NPS-responses from any app in Responsr to Startdeliver, you will create a webhook.

1. Go to App-settings for the App you want to connect

2. Click the edit-icon next to Webhooks and create a new Webhook.

3. Settings for the web hook:
Type: Startdeliver answer notification
Authorization header : YOUR API-KEY

How to create your Startdeliver API-key with the right credentials

1. Log into startdeliver and click on your profile. Click API-keys and then Create a new API-Key.

2. Name your API-key. We suggest the name "Responsr" for you to easily find this key.

3. Copy your key to a safe location or paste directly into Responsr. You will need the key for your integrations. Make sure it is set to Active to make sure it will work.

4. Give your key permission to Read and Write "Feedback", "Users", "Customers", "UserTypes"

Please note:

  • The transfer will be of users set as active and as stakeholders on companies that are set as active.

  • Only users with an email adress will be transferred to Responsr

  • The initial transfer will start within 10 minutes of activating the App with a correct API-key and active integration. The customer list will be updated daily.

  • The application will use the language set in Startdeliver. If language is not set there is an interpretation based on country for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland where country is used to set language.

  • For more information regarding how to setup your surveys in Responsr, please see this page.

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