Fields are used to store data on customers, users and team members. You can:
Create your own custom fields
Edit existing fields
Connect a field to a product
Creating a field
When first creating a field, you have the following to fill in:
Alias - The fields API name, will be auto-filled if left blank.
Type - Choose which type of field you want, read more about those here.
"Hidden", the field is only shown in lists and exports
"Visible" does not allow the field to be edited but it's shown in the customer/user profile.
"Editable" makes the field visible and also editable when you take action on a customer or user.
Required - Should this field be required for a customer/user/team member to be created?
Let's have a look at our tutorial on how to create a field, in this case we are creating a field to showcase if your customer paid their invoice or not:
As you can see in the video, we chose the type "Boolean" as we only want the value to be shown as "Yes" or "No", and when you have added the field you are also able to multi-edit your customers to change the status of this particular field.
Editing a field
When you want to edit a field, simply click on the one you wish to edit in Settings > Fields. You can edit everything except alias and type.